Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ode to the City I Live In, Disclaimer: this is not a poem, sorry!

It is not very often that I commemorate the city that raised me (kind of). It was not until the eleventh grade that I first realized I live in the most amazing city, well, ever. Some background: I am an obsessive Conde Nast Traveler reader. As soon as an issue comes in the mail, I grab it (before my parents see it has arrived) run up to my room and spend hours studying each and every article and advertisement (If only I did so with my textbooks). Sometime in 2009, I glanced at the cover and the title of the featured article was, “The Center of the Universe” (or maybe it was called “The Greatest City of the Universe”—well, something along those lines). I remember thinking, “Woohoo! Can’t wait to read about the center of the universe…I wonder what it is.” Once I got to my room, I looked down at the cover and noticed that the photo was the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the Museum of Natural History. The picture resembled this one:
 To my surprise, it was the “city that never sleeps.” (sorry, I can’t think of another less cliché but well known nickname for NYC—the big apple, Empire-oy-State, Gotham…you get the point). I had one of those moments where I was so shocked that I was basically reenacting the scene from Mean Girls where Regina George says, “Shut up!” (except I was just talking to myself…whatever). I was extremely excited to open this issue, almost too excited, more than any other issue I’ve ever received. Trust me, it is totally fun reading about quaint, cozy towns in Italy and adventurous, scenic journeys in South Africa, but my mighty Manhattan!
I don’t think many other cities have the term, “a [insert name of city here] moment,” where the term “New York City moment,” has become a part of breathing our polluted air! (I am not trying to comment on the environment—just noting that our air is polluted, but every blessing comes with downsides—and New York has very little of them). The other day I wore stockings (you remember how much I love stockings…right?) with the Eiffel Tower on them…I felt disloyal wearing the symbol of another city on my legs all day! (check them out here)
I recently found myself at Times Square. I couldn’t help but think, “How does it all work?” (I don’t mean electricity, construction, cars etc., I mean the people and culture) How do so many people live so close to one another (approximately 26,000 people per square mile) without there being constant conflict? (I’m not arguing that there is no crime or violence in the city, but it is one of the safest cities in the USA). In addition to the hordes of people living within the city, there are the bridge and tunnel people that Manhattan breathes in and out every single dingle day.
I guess the most appropriate way to end this blog post is by saying…

So, what is your New York City moment? 

Thanks to my sources:

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