Thursday, December 2, 2010

Holiday Advice

With the holiday season just around the corner, you might be wondering, “How will I fake swoon from the sight of a gift I actually am extremely disappointed in and would really like to throw out the window pronto, or at least before I have to give it another glance?” Well, I will be answering that thoughtful question today.
So, how do I fake I like something that I’d trade for a rubber chicken at any given moment? I know this is quite cheesy, but try not to think about the actual gift, but rather think about the intention behind the gift. And no, I’m not saying if someone gets you makeup that means they think you’re ugly. And if they get you a Treadmill that doesn’t mean they think you need to lose weight (okay, maybe…kidding). Sometimes when I get a gift that’s just, well, dreadful I wonder if the person really thinks this item is at all “me,” but again…think of the meaning behind it.
Another tip, figure out if you are a good liar (I now know I obviously am not—and you might be wondering why you are reading a blog-post concerning fake-liking gifts from a girl who cant lie if her life depended on it, but we’re having fun! Right?). If you have a stellar poker face, make eye contact with the person who gave you the gift while thanking them. If you have the same inability to lie that I have then, please, don’t worry because you are not alone! There are many of us that will never be able to win a card game, and always ruin the surprise party. In that case, don’t make eye contact with the gift giver…just figure out another way to be sincere. I’ve seen some professional fakers go as far as crying just to prove that they love the gift someone gave them, if only I could pull that off!
People say to look for the good in everything. Well that definitely works here. Find something nice to say about it, no matter how bad it is. For example, you are fifteen and you received a blender for Chanukah. “Wow thank you so much Aunt Mildred, it’s so shiny…I love it!” Yes, you will either donate it to the Salvation Army or let it sit in your cupboard for years, but sure is it shiny!
Hopefully, whether you get the gift of your dreams or the gift of your nightmares, you will know what to do with (give it to me if it’s good…kidding…again). Happy Chanukah, Hanukka, Hannukah (whatever…enjoy!). 

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