Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A post about...nothing!

Brainstorming blog ideas is making me realize how much I miss it! I cannot believe it has been almost two months...I am so sorry, and if you don't forgive me...I understand (not.....just kidding, it's a free country and if you don't want to waste your time on my site...fine! Do it somewhere else why dont-cha?) Anywho, it's been a while, but I am BACK IN BUSINESS (but don't worry I am not getting paid to do this...maybe that's sad that I call this fun, I dont know)! You have Glee (specific episode on March 15th where New Directions debuts original songs--if you do not watch Glee tune--no pun intended, okay yes intended-- that out completely and consider un-bookmarking my blog and don't come back...kidding gosh!) to thank for me reuniting with Home Sweet Dorm. That was probably the most confusing group of nonsense I ever put in parenthesis together! Okay, so Glee really inspired me to blog (and of course y'all--could you tell I'm in a Southern mood too!), and that will show through my body movements and perhaps outfits in the pictures below (the Glee part not the Southern part...I don't think). My little clothing-trying-on extravaganza led me to a few very important realizations: I AM A TERRIBLE MODEL. Years back, trust me, years (YEARS) back I sent in a photo of my seventh grade self to Barbizon thinking they would sweep me out of my Hebrew class and whip me into high fashion photoshoots and if I was lucky enough, I might even end up in Delia's (which by the way, was the only place I looked for back-to-school shopping). Boy was I wrong...never got a call and I'm still kind of sour about it. Next realization: Photobooth on Apple computers is God's gift to self-bloggers and freaky constant self-portrait takers everywhere! So here's a shout-out to you...Love, Eileen. Next: If I had a tripod to hold my Macbook up and face it wherever I want, my pictures would be in various, and more interesting places rather than alternating between the three spaces in my room where I try to balance my computer on dangerous wobbly things. So here are some pictures to hold you over until the next time I decide to blog about something illegitimate and unfocused! Ba bye!

A dress from Nasty Gal that decides to be longer on one side than the other!

Gotta love the spinning pics...they're fun

Michael Jackson-esque, anyone? H&M.

Shirt: vintage urban (I don't mean it's really vintage just bought it a few years ago)
Skirt: actually vintage, found it in my basement...thanks Mom!

And this is where the Glee comes in....

I should probably not be posting this....wtvr.

Hüvasti sõbrad! (Goodbye friends...Estonian anyone?), 

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